How To Treat Sunspots – Everything You Need To Know

How To Treat Sunspots – Everything You Need To Know


Our skin is constantly exposed to a lot of stressors, from the environment to our own habits. 

One of the most common skin problems is sunspots. There’s a good chance that it’s one of your current skin concerns too especially after the summer season when people are likely to be basking under the warmth of the sun. If that’s the case, read on to find out how to treat sunspots. We’ll cover everything you need to know here. 

What are sunspots?

Sunspots, also known as age spots and liver spots, are flat, usually small, brown spots that commonly appear on areas of the skin that are exposed to the sun. They develop gradually and are barely noticeable at first, but they do grow in size or group together over time.  

Sunspots are pretty harmless and don’t progress into skin cancer. Sunspots can be treated with skincare products and/or facial treatments.

What causes sunspots? 

Sunspots occur as a result of constant UV exposure from either the sun or a tanning bed. UV exposure accelerates melanin production which causes the pigment in your skin to darken. UV exposure is one of the biggest causes of premature aging which is why it’s important to always wear sunscreen no matter the season. 

How can you prevent sunspots from developing? 

  • Limit sun exposure

We’ve already covered that sun exposure causes sunspots so it’s best to limit it. To be a bit more specific, avoid going under the sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. since the UV rays are at their strongest during these times. But make no mistakes; you still have to wear your sunscreen at ALL times because the sun emits UV rays even before and after these hours. 

  • Wear broad-spectrum sunscreen

There are 2 types of UV light_ UVA (which has longer wavelengths and can penetrate windows as well as penetrate the skin more deeply causing premature aging and even skin cancer) and UVB (which has a shorter wavelength and penetrates the outermost layers of the skin which causes sunburns). A broad-spectrum sunscreen can protect your skin from both these harmful rays. Just make sure you choose a sunscreen that has SPF 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before leaving your house or office, and don’t forget to reapply every 2 hours. 

  • Avoid tanning beds or solariums

Avoid these at all costs. Everytime you expose your skin to UV radiation, you increase the risk of aging prematurely (hello, sunspots!) and worse, developing skin cancer. If you really want to get a tan, opt for a spray tan instead. It’s a safer alternative to tanning beds. 


If you have already developed sunspots, the good news is they don’t really require treatment and are non-cancerous. However, it is highly advisable that you seek a skincare professional especially if you aren’t 100% sure if what you have are indeed sunspots or something serious. 

Once you have established that what you have are sunspots and the sight of them on your skin bothers you, the following skincare products and facial treatments can help you get rid of this hyperpigmentation_ 

Spalina Skincare’s Antioxidant Line Diffusing Serum 

This anti-aging serum contains Retinaldehyde (a stable and gentle form of Vitamin A that can help speed up skin cell turnover and fade dark spots), Niacinamide (which prevents hyperpigmentation and repairs skin at a cellular level), and SymWhite (inhibits excess melanin production). 

Spalina Skincare’s Epidermal Repair Serum

This cutting-edge serum contains Trioxolane which is a vital ingredient that can restore damaged skin and treat hyperpigmentations such as sunspots. 

Collagen Induction Therapy or Microneedling

Microneedling is a safe and effective method for treating hyperpigmentation. It’s a process wherein microneedles puncture the skin to stimulate collagen production and repair the areas that have been affected by UV exposure. 


Hydradermabrasion is a facial treatment that exfoliates the skin and extracts pore buildup by using a machine that suctions out all the dirt from deep within your pores and at the same time, injecting powerful skincare ingredients. It’s highly effective in fading out hyperpigmentation and dark spots as well as evening out your skin tone and texture. 

Want to learn more about these skincare products and facial treatments? Feel free to book an online consultation with licensed esthetician, Spela Hernandez, so she can walk you through the many options to treat your sunspots. 

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