Spalina’s Post-Halloween Skin Care Guide

Spalina’s Post-Halloween Skin Care Guide


Halloween is probably one of the most exciting holidays of the year. And if it’s your favorite holiday, then you most likely have your costume all planned out, makeup included. Unfortunately, all the makeup, face paint, and sugar can take a toll on your skin. Luckily, there are some things you can do to ensure that you don’t fall too far off track after the festivities. Here are some post-Halloween skin care tips that will help you look great long after Halloween is over.

Pre-Halloween Makeup Tip

I know this is supposed to be a Post-Halloween skin care guide, but I figured, why not treat you guys to an important skin care tip that will help protect your skin from all the layers of makeup you may be using this Halloween? 

Two words_ skin prep. It sounds simple, but it’s also a crucial step to take before applying your Halloween makeup. You can do this in 3 easy steps_

Cleanse & exfoliate – this will remove excess dead skin that your makeup may cling onto and will prevent a cakey look.

Apply moisturizer – moisturizer helps strengthen your skin’s barrier keeping it hydrated and healthy. It also doesn’t hurt that this step makes your skin smooth and supple which is ideal if you want to achieve a flawless makeup look.

Apply primer – this will help create a smooth base and keep your makeup intact for hours. Primers can also protect your skin by creating a barrier between your skin and makeup. It’s also best to keep in mind that not all primers are one-size-fits-all. You still have to choose one that is right for your skin type (click here to find out which skin type you have). 

Post-Halloween Skin Care 

It’s easy to get swept away in the festivity, and you might even be tempted to forgo your skincare routine after the event is over, but this guide will help you shake off the temptation and leave you prepared. 

Remove your makeup

First things, first_ remove your makeup. If you used makeup products that are a little harder to remove, then you may want to opt for a cleansing balm or oil. And if you’re removing face paint, you can try removing it with makeup wipes or micellar water. Be careful that you don’t rub your face too hard; the last thing you’d want to happen is to damage your skin. 

Wash your face

Use a gentle facial cleanser to wash your face after removing your makeup. Spalina Skincare’s Peptide Sensi Cleanse moisturizes while providing a deep pore cleanse. It’s also effective at removing leftover makeup on your face. 

Use a toner

After cleansing, spray Spalina Skincare’s Lipid Refresh Hydrating Toner all over your skin. Toners can also remove traces of makeup and dirt that you may have missed as well as balance your pH levels to help your skin better absorb other skincare products. The Lipid Refresh Hydrating toner reduces skin irritation and provides intense hydration to your skin

Apply Spalina Skincare’s Epidermal Repair Serum

This revitalizing serum contains Trioxolane which is known to improve skin’s immunity and reverse free radical damage. It’s a post-Halloween skincare must-have that will leave your skin rejuvenated. 

Treat your eye area

It’s easy to forget the areas around your eyes, but it’s important to give them extra care especially after removing your Halloween makeup. The Eye Repair Cream PM delivers a surge of hydration and defends your skin against free radicals by trapping and turning them into useful oxygen and transporting them back into the respiratory cycle. 


Halloween makeup or face paint can dehydrate your skin; applying moisturizer can help prevent this. The last step in Spalina’s post-Halloween skin care guide is applying  Manuka Infused Lipid Creme on your face. This moisturizer is highly effective in boosting moisture retention and improving your skin’s protective barrier. 

To make it easier to resist giving in to the temptation of skipping your skin care after the party, make sure you have the products you will need all lined up on your bathroom counter. It also wouldn’t hurt to book an appointment with an esthetician for that extra TLC your skin deserves.

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